Corporate Responsibility

TCL takes a proactive approach to the environment. 

Corporate Responsibility


TCL North America aims to uphold and share its philosophy of "The Creative Life" through its business activities. The preservation of the global environment falls into this philosophy, as we always look for inventive solutions to tackle significant challenges. Among these is preserving the environment, which is increasingly challenged by a growing population and the acceleration of climate change, pollution, and loss of natural resources.

We believe environmental stewardship plays an important role in our company and we proactively address the many challenges that affect our planet. In this capacity we work diligently to ensure our products are in full compliance with environmental statutes and regulatory guidelines, and continue to enhance oversight of the manufacturing process to remove hazardous substances, keep conflict minerals out of our supply chain, reduce energy usage, and increase the volume of our electronics recycling programs.

TCL Employee Giving

TCL Employee Giving

The United States hurricane season in 2017 greatly impacted communities across many states, causing widespread damage and displacing millions of people. TCL employees set a high standard for their generosity and compassion in everything they do, and nowhere was this more prevalent than in their giving. Employees banded together, and with TCL matching dollar for dollar, thousands of dollars were donated to the American Red Cross for disaster relief. There were no press releases or other attention-grabbing headlines, and the employees deserve all of the credit.

More recently, our employees started fundraising for the Emilio Nares Foundation. With TCL matching donations, all of the money raised will go directly to helping families navigate their child’s journey with cancer. To learn more, please visit To help support the lives of children living with cancer, you can donate below.

TCL is proud of its tight-knit employee family, and knows that they all would stand up for strangers as much as they stand up for each other.


Investing in the Environment

TCL continues to increase investment in electronics collection and recycling year-over-year throughout Canada and the United States. We even back up our commitment to protecting the environment through voluntary take-back in several areas and exceeding expectations in others.

Our commitment also includes changes to our product packaging, where we leverage new techniques to shrink carton size and product weight, effectively reducing the company’s carbon footprint. TCL’s website provides consumers with comprehensive information on how to recycle electronics products in all 13 provinces, with links to province and local territory agencies that can provide useful consumer recycling and reuse information.


Leading by Example

TCL’s focus on a sustainable future is embodied not just in its initiatives, but also in its dedication. The company is dedicated to playing a role in shaping the electronics industry by lending a voice to the implementation of constructive and long-lasting environmental policy.

Through the company’s consistent sustainability efforts throughout Canada and the United States, TCL is proud to be a member of Electronics Product Stewardship Canada and to have earned a seat on the Consumer Technology Association’s Environmental Policy Committee, with an additional role on the Recycling Subcommittee.

We aim to provide a high level of service to our customers and in the communities we serve, exercise strong, consistent, and responsible product stewardship, and will continue to build on our legacy of environmental responsibility in 2018 and beyond.